
Data Center Security

Data Center Physical Security Solutions

Data center security refers to the physical practices and virtual technologies that are used to protect a data center from external threats and attacks. Due to the importance of the sensitive or proprietary information kept within many of these data centers, they must go to great lengths in data center access control to improve their servers by utilizing extensive monitoring, electrical regulators, cooling enhancements and hearty infrastructure to increase efficiency. A data center’s most obvious physical security characteristics are related to design and layout. The building itself may be designed as a single-purpose or multipurpose unit that is often built away from major roads, in order to establish buffer zones made up of a combination of landscaping & crash-proof barriers.
Data Center Access Control

However, a lesser known part of data center physical security is what is inside. A core physical security measure for data centers is actually personal interlocks, or data center mantraps. A data center’s access control solutions prevent unauthorized visitors from “tailgating” or “piggybacking” behind someone else. Controlling the passage of visitors and staff around your data center is essential to safety. Allowing one unsafe flash drive onto the premises could do harm faster than a whole team of hackers coming through outside connections. This is why having appropriate access control for data center security is vital.

Data Center Physical Security

When it comes to data center physical security, mantraps provide a means of regulating the flow of people. Utilizing an airlock between two separate doors allows for optimal scanning time while authorizations are provided. This system of access control for data centers also restricts traffic to one person at a time, so you can be sure only those with access can pass through the doors.

If an unwanted visitor attempts to gain entry, these data center security solutions can lock, keeping the trespasser in the airlock until authorities arrive. Biometric scanners logging access will help prevent breaches, and the records of entry will help you quickly track down the source of any criminal activity. Additional rules like specific sequences, timing rules, and specific entry points can all limit wonton entry.

Our engineers have over 30 years of experience integrating custom-designed systems seamlessly with whatever physical security measures you currently have equipped in your data center.