Certified Security Integrators
Pursuant to Isotec’s Designation as a Qualified Anti-terrorism technology, the Department of Homeland Security has specified that Isotec Security, Inc. train, test and certify those technicians providing support and performing preventive maintenance on Isotec’s Safety Entrances®. To meet and exceed this standard, Isotec works with the best of the best certified security integrators that provide unsurpassed installation and technical support services.

Isotec trains and factory certifies every installation team and technician that either install or service our Safety Entrances® or Access Control Portals. The quality of performance of our DoHS certified entrance systems depends on the quality of the installation. Isotec’s access control technology requires licensed low voltage technicians as well as trained glazers to install ballistic resistant glass.
Isotec only works with trained, tested and certified technicians to service our products. This commitment to quality ensures consistent service practices, product functionality and longevity for our certified security systems. An Isotec certified entrance system can operate effectively well past 10 years with many systems in operation more than 20 years. We owe this longevity to proper training and performance from our trained and certified security integrators.
Isotec Safety Entrances® are programmed to operate with a “fail-safe” contingency. Qualified technicians and trained personnel involved with the security door installation ensure that an Isotec access control portal will function as required by the facility and in a “fail-safe” mode in the event of an emergency override scenario.
Airports and strategic sites require precise security sensor locations to ensure the controlled area is covered. In addition, operational interface with legacy security system on site is essential. Finally, trained personnel must be available on short notice to provide support services when required. Isotec trained and certified security integrators meet all these demands.
Isotec Security, Inc. has trained technicians and certified security integrators in 31 states that provide “soup to nuts” services for Isotec’s standard and custom security solutions. They also provide an array of services including but not limited to securing building permits by working with building officials to ensure that building and life safety codes are met.