Concerning COVID-19
Isotec Security, Inc. is a dedicated company with global reach. As health concerns regarding COVID-19 rise, we have taken some company-wide precautions.
Isotec Security, Inc. is a dedicated company with global reach. As health concerns regarding COVID-19 rise, we have taken some company-wide precautions.
“If You See Something, Say Something” is the security mantra broadcast to fans attending sporting events, rock concerts and for students at schools. Schools
Facial Recognition technologies’ rapid proliferation speaks volumes to their value and effectiveness. Schools of all grades may benefit from the technology.
Facial recognition augmented with Artificial Intelligence (AI) will become one of the most assured ways of transforming the data all around us into a helpful tool
If you ever saw someone sneaking into a movie through a theatre’s exit while the audience was leaving, you witnessed a crime/theft
Artificial Intelligence is now available for X-ray machines.
A high level briefing on the functionalities and security benefits of Exit Lane Breach Control systems.
Today’s x-ray technologies are keeping pace with the ever-expanding threat from explosive devices. The levels of sophistication that must be engineered into
Isotec & All Secure Group Provide School Safety & Security Solution: There are a number of ways to protect schools. Our view
“The Department of Justice today announced more than $70 million in grant funding to bolster school security, educate and train students and
1130 West 124th Avenue, Suite 600, Westminster, CO 80234
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