
Underwriters Laboratory Glass vs. HP White Glass

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Spall – “flakes of a material that are broken off a larger solid body and can be produced by a variety of mechanisms, including as a result of projectile impact.” – Wikipedia

Spall might not mean much to you. However, spall might be the last thing you’ll see if you’re on the “witness side” of HP White type glass, as you will most likely be blinded and severely scarred. The photos below show shards of spall and the resulting effects from HP White glass. Spall may project shards of glass more than 20’

DSC_1154Test 1 HPW .02 sec B

Below are photos of Underwriters Laboratory listed glass. Isotec uses only UL Listed Glass in our Safety Entrances. The Happy Face witnesses demonstrate why.

UL 1 Test 1@.02 sec B




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